Friday, April 13, 2007

When in Rome, do as the Romans do

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, that's what exactly right. No matter how you are. It's the same as how we raise our kids; if you want your kids to be good, stay in a good place; avoid to be in a bad place because kids have to be in there and no one wants to be alienated, then they tend to grow up as same as others around. Come to what I want to complain today, walking through the red light, jaywalking or whatever pedestrians do is common thing in New York City if you had lived there you know what I am talking about. The thing is I came from Alabama where everyone, actually most, follow the rule strictly. When I first came here, Mann! What the heck people did!, why shouldn't they wait for the light? I was only a few that was at the edge of sidewalk at first but started to cross the street at the end of the crowd. Nonetheless, society have changed me to be as same as everyone. Then I cross the road by looking around; if it's safe, I'll go.

For New Yorker, have you ever heard of issuing a ticket for jaywalking? I hadn't until today, 4/12/07. Yes, it was me whom police semi-politely gave a ticket and a nice word at the end, 'have a good day'. The story started at when I and my girlfriend went to authentic Thai Restaurant, Swaddee, at Union Turnpike by subway. We did what we always do, get off the train and go up to street level. The thing is the south side exit we always go was closed by god sake's reason. So we had to use the north exit on the other side of Queens Blvd. That was the incident happened. It's at Queens Blvd crossing with 78th ST. Usually, at the junction, there always are crosswalks on both side, so no one has to walk cross the street in order to cross the Boulevard. Not only this junction doesn't have, but also has a sign not to cross on one side. Fortunately, no one cares the sign, neither do I. They just cross naturally; look around and walk if it's safe or walking sign on. Today it's just almost the same circumstance but not at the end. When I reached the opposite side of the street. There is one big guy came to us and asked for the ID. I gave him one. So does my friend. I asked him why? "Jaywalking, you crossed where you shouldn't; there are a lot of accidents here." and he got on the car which parked at the second lane of the road (isn't that block the traffic?) I walk to the small group of people which faces the same situation as me. They all said what on earth does the cops do? It doesn't make any sense at all. Will we get a ticket? Surely, answer is yes.

The thing is we were wrong. I accepted that; but in this case, there is something that I felt it was unfair for folks whom NYPD gave a ticket. Just so you know, when I crossed the street, there is a group before and after me, all the time.Only unlucky people were given a ticket and unfortunately they were others but white. Dude, is that what we called 'racism'? I thought it was gone from the US since the Civil War, at least it should not be in the case of what state officers do. I didn't make this up; the group followed me is mixed between white and black. How lucky the white is, only the lady who is African American was caught in order not to obey the not crossing sign. Soon as she was asked for ID, she asked the police back, "hey, what's about this?" The cop didn't respond anything but walk back to the car and get on it as nothing happened. How can we find another reason for this but race? If you have one, let me know. I was very frustrated like everyone in an unlucky group; what we can do more but complain and accept. NYPD didn't listen to anyone at all, when we want to ask something, it's just like I was his employee; some we got answer and some doesn't. It's just not supposed to be like this. When they finished writing the ticket, they called me to get it. My girlfriend asked what about the rest that did the same thing but they didn't have to pay $$ and time at all. What they said make me feel o_O (this is what the civilized country does, it's just the same as us, the Third World) they said that I could do only one at a time, you see? Oh-O I really want to ask them back that what the heck are 2 of them do because I saw on both my and my girlfriend tickets has the same handwriting. However, I said, "okay, I let you work with that people, bye"

"Have a good day" is the last that they said to the unlucky people.

How can I have good day on the unlucky day? By the way, I have to go to court on June 16, 2007 (2 months+ from now.) This is another thing I don't understand at all. Why is their process really suck? Just pay a small fine. They have to try let people forget to earn more money by late fee or let people calm down from very frustrating scene they have faced; I really want to know that, and I will ask whoever they are in the court again what is wrong if I'm Asian not White.

All in all, I don't blame New York makes me like this, while, in fact, it does, but the truth is I choose to be the same as others by myself and I believe you would go the same path. I know what I do, only when I am in Rome, I have to do as Romans do. And in the case of those NYPDs who are suck, it's possible that they have lived in really bad atmosphere before or they are just jealous of other races that are given almost the same thing as they are in the world of equality, so this is the only way to alleviate what in their minds. When these folks passed away, the world would be a lot better than it is today. I really hope it comes soon, then our next-generation will not have any bad thing to follow anymore.

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