Monday, February 27, 2006

iPod shuffle 1GB arrived

According to ordering iPod shuffle 1GB "The Classical Gemolody" for good, gift's brother, on Feb 23, 2006. Today, at 10.14am, I got a mail from FedEx which told me about arrival of iPod, B Thomas already signed to accept that box also.. It's so exciting even if it's not a new product, but it's new for me..

at ~4pm, when I'm home, I found a FedEx box; it's just a plain box, not like however, I quickly got a camera and started to take a photo and open that box slowly.. It impressed me a lot, just because an Apple Product is always care about packaging. Anyway, let's look inside..

It's all about box.. now it's time to look at iPod shuffle. Remind you again, this is just low-end product of Apple but it doesn't look like low-cost product at all... I really love company that do like this ;p In addition, Apple also doesn't forget about fighting with piracy with many many language 55.. ;p

This is size of shuffle compare to my treo650, Another thing that buying iPod in US differs form others is graving any name on iPod like in center picture "The Classical Gemolody"--if you wanna know what's that means, you have to ask good, not me 555..

Finally, I have to use it for a while to tell how good it is... it's good in the same level as its look or not? and comparing about ease-of-use with other iPod that has monitor...

Post box

I try to find post box to send mail easier than to go to post office... But I didn't found it...

Finally, I know that the United States doesn't have post box but it uses another way to send mail, maybe it looks more comfortable; in front of any house has post box, then if someone in house who wanna send a mail, already including a stamp, can put it in that post box and raise a red flag up to tell a postman that there are sth to send. When a postman come to send a mail, he will know and pick it up by himself... Ohh! Surprise!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

What "ameliorate" means?

First, ameliorate blog was born because MSN space didn't allow me to add picture in post, but here did.. So, I have to try this blog is suitable for me or not! That's all why I have to choose to sign this web... In addition, This blog allows me to post by just sending e-mail then it will instantly post to my blog, so cool!--fortunately seems to be easier with a companion, treo650.. will see how good it is soon...

Let's talk about the name of this blog why it's "ameliorate"? what "ameliorate" means? In fact, I prefer choosing "depend", my sister thought this word for a long time ago, to this but it's unavailable anymore, then I have to find another name, luckily again few days ago, my teacher Lauren told me about word that inter. students should know for writing essay professionally; "exacerbate & ameliorate", exacerbate, a negative word, means make worse and ameliorate surely means opposite of exacerbate, make better. Maybe this weblog means "to make this blog better than old one." Time is only one answered this.. that's correct or not!