- We can only achieve greener technology by replacing our old things. How does that make the world better? Replacing new car with hybrid technology. It means our Earth is a trash bin for something still useful, doesn't it? Replacing new light bulb with better and more efficient fluorescent bulb. Well this is good once if you look over trash you threw just like car situation. Don't get me wrong, but I like so-called better stuffs; however, it doesn't mean we need to rush replacing old things while they are good. Timing is everything.
- All green regulation/standard are made by those who had done wrong. All bad stuffs like CFC are cheap and efficient. That's why it was chosen and later found out that it was bad for the Earth. And we've told to avoid using it by choosing something comparable and surely more expensive. I'm sure big countries should be much more responsibility than small 3rd world one by supporting them, not forcing them to pay more while they have less.
- We all are part of nature after all. If you believe in God, then you should believe that God makes us smart for a reason. We can build from shelters to protect us to weapons kill us all. And that's just a part of God's plan. We are just a part of evolving nature whether it's toward the way you like or not. And if you don't believe in God, then you should understand that anything comes with price. You live life more comfortable these days and you don't thing there is a catch at all?
I'm not using CFC, DDT or that sort of things, but I feel disgusting to whom they brag about how green they have done. What a pile of BS.