I don't like New York
After a week living in New York. Someone dub it *land of freedom*. It's true indeed but too much, in my thinking. New York is such a city that incredibly amalgamates every races well, I mean it's not only stay together but live together. Many couples are black and white, some are yellow and white, so new generation seems to be brown mostly.
It did pretty good about racial harmony but not how good they live a life. Another side of huge city always has something're really worse. NY has too much based-level people, I mean worker, blue-collar or whatever you call. To be huge city, NY needs a lot of blue-collar to fulfil work that upper level afraid to do. According to my idea, social structure always be like triangle, higher it is, it needs wider base to stablilize. Such a big city like NY, its peak is too high, meanwhile base is too low as well. This is the problem that it can't avoid and seems that it won't care about this. Subway envirom ment, for example, is very very bad, including dirt, certainty and so on. How old is the trains? I can't answer this but all I know is they need improvment, a lot of improvement and subway station must be improve either. why I have to mention subway? because subway is a main transportation for most based level people here. If you can't improve how they live a life, don't try to improve others, it's always suck that this gruop of people always be treated bad, whether they have the hardest work and the least revenue.
Next problem is a basic problem, that is, manhattan is only one place that's civilization. Everything is in mahattan. If you can blink your eyes to see manhattan and queens or brooklyn in a row. you will think like me, "is that the same state?" "Am I stay in New York? (when you see others but manhattan)" It's not what we saw in a movie. Even where peter parker live, I think he live in nearby manhattan city. It looks better that real town that I saw. And if you have a chance to see rental room of foreigner in queens. Ohhh! its environment's sort of place to sleep only, in such an environment like that no one can think of a thing creatively. $400 room here you can find neither small room size like 2*3 sq. meters nor big but dirt and all without furnished and share-bathroom. On the contrary in other states, with this price, you can get a comfortable furnished room with your own bathroom for sure.
I don't mention to mahattan at all because it's much expensive to compare with where I used to live. If you stay in manhattan, maybe you can used the same amount of money that pay for room 1 month to live in Bangkok for 4 months, including good room and food for living. I have no idea how new yorker can live their life like this. As soon as I have a chance to go other place I'll leave. But now my life must go on stucking in Gotham-like city for a while. Wait and see maybe I will find some good sides in a place like this. I hope.